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maandag 31 oktober 2011

Gevonden spreukjes en schrijfsels...

Wanneer iedereen zijn wil zou richten op het goede, zou er niets slechts meer zijn.

Helaas heeft onze maatschappij de wetenschappelijke vooruitgang in het begrip van het stervensproces nog niet geaccepteerd. Het is daarom noodzakelijk dat we onszelf heropvoeden en beseffen dat we niet alleen biologische machines, maar ook geestelijke wezens zijn.

Door positief te denken en te spreken , trekken we positieve energie aan. Als we langdurig negatieve gedachten (energieën) gebruiken, kan het gevolg zijn dat de weerstand van het lichaam verzwakt. Dat gebeurt meestal als we onze gedachten concentreren op onszelf. (depressief) Langdurige depressie kan onze kracht en gezondheid uitputten. Dienstverlening is een balsem voor de geest en het lichaam. Als we ons concentreren op de behoefte van anderen en de manier waarop we hen kunnen dienen , beginnen we te genezen.

Er wacht ons geen duisternis aan het eind van het leven, maar een warm licht.
Licht en liefde zijn energieën die ons lichaam kracht geven. Onze geest kan verzwakken door : geweld, gebrek aan liefde, negatieve gebeurtenissen etc. En zo verzwakt ook ons lichaam . We kunnen onze geest weer opladen door anderen te dienen en ons open te stellen voor positieve energie d.m.v. positieve gedachten.

What beauty lives within us
We always have to see
For we are but the vessel
That gives life's harmony

So look beyond the mountains
See beyond the stars
We can join this peacefulness
No matter near or far.

Wie de mensen kent heeft verstand , wie zichzelf kent is verlicht.

Hieronder enkele uitspraken, van diverse schrijvers:
De Heer schenkt ons gaven en talenten naar zijn wil, we moeten nooit onze talenten of zwakheden vergelijken met die van een ander. Wij zijn uniek ! (Betty Eadie)

Sommigen zouden tot hoge leeftijd blijven leven om hun taak te vervullen , en anderen te helpen door hun de kans te geven om te dienen. (Betty Eadie)

Herinner jezelf er vaak aan dat je een kind van God bent en dat je de goddelijke kracht in je draagt.
( Dr. Wayne Dyer , uit : Beziel je leven )

Vergeet niet dat je niet naar een hoger niveau kunt gaan als je je aan een lager niveau vastklampt.
(Dr. W. Dyer)

Als iemand niet in staat is om vertrouwen te hebben zal hij de woorden en daden van anderen verkeerd interpreteren. (Gary Zukav, uit : De zetel van de ziel)

Een waarlijk geëvolueerd mens is die gene die anderen hoger schat dan zichzelf en die liefde stelt boven de fysieke wereld en wat zich daarin bevindt. (Gary Zukav)

Er is altijd hulp van een hoger niveau, hoewel je persoonlijkheid zich er niet van bewust is omdat het op het niveau van je ziel afspeelt. (Gary Zukav)

Veel van onze ervaringen worden door beschermengelen georkestreerd. Ze helpen ons op alle mogelijke manieren. Veel dingen waarvan we denken dat we het zelf hebben gedaan, zijn juist door goddelijke hulp gebeurd ! (Betty Eadie)

Each moment that you wonder
What waits in life to see.

Know that you're the author
Of what your life can be !

Een dwaze vriend is een grotere plaag dan een wijze vijand.

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We gather here as One Global Community~~we feel the connection between ourselves as we prepare for the planetary shift already moving us closer to our own Awakening~~
these words speak to us today:...“To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.” Terry Tempest Williams ...Namaste

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Go to a garden
And just stand in it.
Breathe in the air, the fragrances,
the light, the temperature,
the music of the different plants, insects, birds, worms,
caterpillars, grasshoppers, and butterflies.
Inhale the prana (cosmic energy) of all the abundantly
growing things.
Recharge your inner batteries.
This is the joy of natural meditation."
- Lama Surya Das, "Awakening to the Sacred," 1999

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We think what is at the heart of your dilemma is something that is at
the heart of almost all dilemmas, and that is finding your own guidance
and feeling confident in finding it.

alright for you to choose things that are different from what others
are choosing. But you have to decide that it is alright. And you have
to develop your own relationship with your own guidance, otherwise
you're upside down and all around, you're sort of lost in the confusion
of all of it.

Abraham-Hicks 02 - 23 - 2002

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۩ ۞ ۩ A New Day
"De openheid om te beginnen is alles wat nodig is om de openheid hebben elk
dag. We beginnen vandaag, en morgen beginnen we weer, en de dag nadat we
opnieuw te beginnen, zoals we zullen de dag na dat. Op deze manier heeft onze
reis bij ons terecht. We beginnen. De rest ontvouwt zich door ons. "
Julia Cameron

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"A mother holds her children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever."

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۩۞۩ Into that Heaven of FREEDOM

Where the mind is without fear
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

--Rabindranath Tagore

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Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you.
~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

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°oO ♥ Oo°

This capacity of waking up, of being aware of what is going on in
your feelings, in your body, in your perceptions, in the world, is
called Buddha nature, the capacity of understanding and loving.
Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world
will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against
nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity
of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace.

~ Nhat Hanh

°oO ♥ Oo°

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“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

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Lovers we are/so we shall meet/to discover the wonder/of each other/by a mere glance/reflected eye to eye/and be lost again/by the finding of ourselves/in another's sweet surrender~~~

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"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it."

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Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together. Communication is to a relationship what breathing is to living.
Verna M. Kelly:

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Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.
~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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"For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length--and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly."
— Carlos Castaneda (The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

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°oO ♥ Oo°
Your first love has no beginning or end. Your first love is not your first love, and it is not your last. It is just love. It is one with everything.
~ Nhat Hanh
°oO ♥ Oo°

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All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happines within.
- Horace Friess

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If you have a mind at peace, and a heart that cannot harden,
Go find a door that opens wide upon a lovely garden.
- Author Unknown

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“When you are
on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things
will get better.There are good times coming.” - Bob Proctor

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Let those love now who never loved before; Let those who always loved, now love the more.Thomas Parnell

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You're the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it.
Love makes us do things we never thought we were capable of.

Earvin Magic Johnson

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There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
no disease that enough love will not heal;
no door that enough love will not open;
no gulf that enough love will not bridge;
no wall that enough love will not throw down...

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble;
how hopeless the outlook;
how muddled the tangle;
how great the mistake.
A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.
If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world . . .
~Emmet Fox

____♥♥♥♥ Peace&Love ♥♥♥♥
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"""The only True wisdom

is knowing

you know nothing.""


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"A smile is a passport that will take you anywhere you want to go." -- UNKNOWN

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Mental sunshine will cause the flowers of peace, happiness and prosperity to
grow upon the face of the earth. Be a creator of mental sunshine.
- Kathi's Garden

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"... there are more worlds, and on them more creatures of beauty to be found." -- Immanuel Kant, natural philosopher, 1764

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..."You, you may say I am a dreamer/But I'm not the only one/I hope someday you will join us/And the world will be as one...." John Lennon ~~~my hero!

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"As you recognize that you already own the wholeness you seek, and no one outside you can give you more than you already are, dysfunctional situations will evaporate like bad dreams exposed to the morning sun. " Alan Cohen

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May you listen to your longing to be free.
May the frames of your belonging be large enough for the dreams of your soul.
May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart
...something good is going to happen to you.
May you find harmony between your soul and your life.
May the mansion of your soul never become a haunted place.
May you know the eternal longing that lies at the heart of time.
May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.
May you never place walls between the light and yourself.
May you be set free from the prisons of guilt, fear, disappointment and despair.
May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you,
mind you, and embrace you in belonging.
- John O'Donahoe

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